Speaking to God regularly is vital to our spiritual growth… and to our lives as Christians.
If we spent our lives never talking to parents, brothers, sisters, or friends we would live out life in silent isolation.
So it is when we neglect to talk to God. We are encouraged by the example of Jesus to pray frequently, apart from others, just speaking to our Heavenly Father.
Feel free to talk about your day, your fears, your joys and concerns; pray for friends, spouse and family.
God is listening!
We invite you to pray for healing, guidance, encouragement, and strength for those on our prayer list.
+ Submit a Prayer Request online using form below. + Call the office at 207-797-2525 during the week. + Write the name(s) on the prayer list on the clipboard beside the lectern before worship.
Request prayers from our Prayer Chain, a group of FLC individuals who’ve decided to pray together. Your prayer will be forwarded to our group within a day or two. If you’d like to HELP us pray for others, let us know in your note, and we will add you to our group.