Stewardship: An Attitude of Gratitude

During this Thanksgiving month in our worship and life we are focusing on what it means to respond with gratitude for all that God has done for us and all He gives to us.

Our worship services this month are featuring special testimonies about how the speakers have been blessed and what they did in response to those blessings.  The sermons will focus on how we respond in gratitude for our spiritual gifts, our possessions and for our whole selves, all given to us only because of God’s grace and love for us and for all creation. 

We will also be shaping a “Wall of Gratitude” on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board.  During worship this month, we’ll have sticky notes for you to write on to describe where your fellow congregation members are living out their calling and sharing their gifts.  Write a note of thanks for something you have noticed.  It could be here at church, out in the community, at work or school, or at home.

Examples to get you started thinking: 

  • Maria was teaching her granddaughter how to take communion, sharing her lifetime of faith.  
  • Jose is an amazing teacher at the elementary school, caring for each individual student.
  • Malik is a great advocate for our local housing program.  He makes me want to get involved!
  • Beth is a great soccer player.  I love how she used her athletic skills in a game and supported her teammates.  Sharing names can also be optional.

You’ll be invited to place those notes on the whiteboard near the front on your way out of worship.  They will then be removed and added to the bulletin board display throughout the month.  Be sure to stop by and read and rejoice in all the ways God’s blessings are shared through people!

You also should have received a letter* about the stewardship opportunities we have here at First Lutheran and the invitation to consider your own commitment in time, talent, and treasure for 2024.  This will be critical as we look towards calling a pastor at the end of this transition time so we can know what resources we’ll have available for that prospect.  Please bring the Time and Talent Survey and Commitment letter to worship on November 19th where we lay them at the altar as a symbol of our gratitude for ALL that God gives to us, especially in the salvation we receive through Jesus Christ.   

*If you didn’t receive this letter, please contact the church office and we’ll send it to you.

Pastor Mark

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